I want to express my deep gratitude for your generous contributions to our TV show. Thanks to your support, we were able to bring our cooking and culinary adventures to viewers, and inspire countless people to explore new flavors and cuisines.
Your commitment to our show and to the culinary arts is truly appreciated. Your contributions have enabled us to create high-quality content, explore exciting recipes, and showcase the rich diversity of Portuguese cuisine and culture.
I am honored to have your support and partnership. Thank you again for your generosity and for helping us make our show a success.

I could not get the recipe for alcatra. It would not click. I was fortunate to visit Tercera I 2021. I was able to go into the volcano and the pottery shop. I purchase an alcatra bowl but have not made the stew yet. Can you please email me the recipe or tell me where I can find it.
The recipe is on my website and no issues whatsoever with it…
Here’s the link just in case