Today I want to share with you a video that my husband filmed of a sunrise in Nordeste, Sao Miguel Azores Portugal. The whole experience was beyond special and I want you to feel it too… just as if you were standing next to me. We woke up at 4:00 am so that we could drive out to Nordeste to see the sunrise in time.
It was pitch black and chilly when we got there, so we were so happy that my cousins made sure we were bundled up and had brought a flashlight. I was warned the day before that we would probably not see anything since it would be a cloudy day… but I just knew to follow my gut and I didn’t pay attention. As we waited for the sunrise the feeling of gratitude overwhelmed me… I felt so happy to be able to witness a new day on an island that I love so much. Little by little the light came through the opened up to show its beautiful glory. I cried knowing just how special this moment was…. When we were ready to leave, almost on cue, the clouds came back out and covered the sun. This pretty much describes my feeling in life … you need to trust and follow your gut. Don’t listen to those that are negative. See things in a new light, and each day is a new beginning. Don’t look back…Always look ahead aka Sempre Para Frente… These words especially have been spoken for generations in our Portuguese culture. It’s truly our way to not only survive but thrive, and never, ever give up. So with a new year ahead, we need to dig deep into our DNA and carry out what we know we need to do. Sending you all lots of love
Feliz Ano Novo
Stay safe and healthy everyone